Stones & Accessories

Middle grit #800-1500 is recommended for first stone to have for maintain the sharpness. Coarse and fine grit are optional. Fine grit is good to use for slicing fish and precise work. Coarse grit is necessary when edge is dull.

Recommend for beginner

Middle grit

Need to soak in the water before using

#1100 The Precious stone

No need to soak in the water before using

#1000 Shapton Kuromak 

Coarse grit

Need to soak in the water before using

#220 Arato-kun

No need to soak in the water before using

#220 Shapton Kuromaku

Fine grit

Need to soak in the water before using

#3000 Suehiro Ouka

No need to soak in the water before using

4000 Hayabusa, Naniwa#5000 Shapton Kuromaku